Open Windows Explorer To ListBox VB6 | DASAR PROGRAMER

Open Windows Explorer To ListBox VB6

Berikut ini adalah cara menampilkan Windows Explorer dalam satu ListBox, Anda dapat berpindah antar drive, direktori, dan memilih file melalui ListBox ini saja di visual basic 6, untuk mempraktekannya siapkan :
1. Buat 1 Project baru dengan 1 Form, 1 ListBox, 1 DriveListBox, 1 DirListBox, 1 FileListBox, dan 1 Label.
2. Copy-kan coding berikut ke dalam editor form yang bertalian.

          Function StripPath(T$) As String
          Dim x%, ct%

            StripPath$ = T$
            x% = InStr(T$, "\")
            Do While x%
              ct% = x%

              x% = InStr(ct% + 1, T$, "\")
            If ct% > 0 Then StripPath$ = Mid$(T$, ct% + 1)
          End Function

          Sub UpdatePath()
          Dim I, D, J, K As Integer
            For D = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1
               List1.RemoveItem "0"

            Next D
            If Not Right(Dir1.List(-1), 1) = "\" Then
               List1.AddItem "[^] .."
            End If

            For I = 0 To Dir1.ListCount - 1
               List1.AddItem "[\] " & StripPath(Dir1.List(I))
            Next I
            For J = 0 To File1.ListCount - 1
               List1.AddItem "[*] " & File1.List(J)

            Next J
            For K = 0 To Drive1.ListCount - 1
               List1.AddItem "[o] " & Drive1.List(K)
            Next K

            Label1.Caption = Dir1.Path
          End Sub

          Private Sub Drive1_Change()

            Dir1.Path = Drive1.Drive
          End Sub

          Private Sub Dir1_Change()
            File1.Path = Dir1.Path

          End Sub

          Private Sub Form_Load()
            Drive1.Visible = False
            File1.Visible = False
            Dir1.Visible = False

            Me.Move (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2, _
                    (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
          End Sub

          Private Sub List1_DblClick()
          On Error GoTo ErrHdlr
            If Right(List1.Text, 2) = ".." Then
               Dir1.Path = Dir1.Path & "\.."

            ElseIf Left(List1.Text, 3) = "[\]" Then
               If Right(Dir1.List(-1), 1) = "\" Then
                  Dir1.Path = Dir1.Path & _
                              Right(List1.Text, Len(List1.Text) - 4)

                  Dir1.Path = Dir1.Path & _
                              "\" & Right(List1.Text, _
                                          Len(List1.Text) - 4)
               End If

            ElseIf Left(List1.Text, 3) = "[o]" Then
               Drive1.Drive = Right(Left(List1.Text, 6), 2)
               MsgBox "File " & Chr(34) & _

                      Right(List1.Text, Len(List1.Text) - 4) & _
                      Chr(34) & " dipilih.", _
                      vbInformation, "File Terpilih"
            End If
            Exit Sub

             MsgBox "Drive tidak siap!", vbCritical, "Tidak Siap"
             Exit Sub
          End Sub

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